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Call of the Roots
Ancient rhythms meet modern tunes at a transformative 360° experience
21.04 / 20:00
Escape to the world of tranquillity with Cosmic Roots — an independent music project that puts a twist on the age-old tribal practices, combining them with modern tunes.

The rhythmic beats of the drums. Soft whispers of rattles. Deep overtone singing.

These practices have been used for thousands of years. And now you can experience their power like never before — in a form that everyone can relate to and enjoy.

So take a mindful pause and let the blissful beats carry you away from the chaos of every day. So you bounce back centered, grounded, and at peace.

Together with a 360° immersive show — this is going to be a truly transformative experience!

Ancient healing music — with a modern twist at 360°
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